February 1, 2016

Dear Mr. Darcy (from March 25th, 2010)

I have been infatuated with you for the past 5 years. I still am at a lost of words as to why, but you are always there when I feel down and lonely. Why must your infuriating manner arouse me so?? You are obnoxious and annoying, yet I find myself returning to you time and time again. You have been my rock and my salvation. As hard as I try, I just cannot let you go. I have tried and tried to get over you, but I cannot manage to leave you. Every time I have a low, I run back to you, be it thru book or movie. I thank you for always being there. For helping me thru the hard times. I know it's against your character, but you have caught me when so many others have let me fall. So many times have I sat and envisioned myself as Miss Elizabeth. Many times have I worn her shoes in my dreams. All just to be that much closer to you. You are my bad boy, not with tattoos and a motorcycle, but with a top hat and stallion. There's something in your nature, something in your stance, that just draws me to you. I am not quite sure what it is, my Mr. Darcy, but it is intoxicating and I cannot get enough of it. Your strength and sureness ignites my soul and makes me want to be a worthy conquest. One day I hope to meat a man as great as you, a man that makes me feel as beautiful as you make Elizabeth feel. For now I shall return to you again and again for you will be the constant in my ever changing life. For all of this I thank you from the bottom of my soul, my Mr. Darcy. I am truly indebted to you.
Forever Yours...

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